Through a statewide safety study contract, LJB was asked to provide safety improvement recommendations for...
Stroop Road Bridge
LJB was selected for this emergency project to replace the deficient, single-span prestressed concrete box...
U.S. Route 40 (North Street) Realignment
When the new Springfield Regional Medical Center opened at Plum and North Streets in downtown...
U.S. Route 40 West Broad Street Corridor Improvements
This project included multiple studies, innovative drainage treatment, and roadway and traffic signal design that...
Yankee Street Improvements
To increase capacity between Austin Boulevard and Spring Valley Pike, this project studied the reconstruction...
National Road Widening
Traffic on National Road in the AM and PM peak periods caused queuing adjacent to...
Kings Island Drive Widening and Improvements
LJB designed the improvement and widening of a major arterial roadway that services recreation-oriented properties,...
Interstate 275 Widening
Interstate 275 from Winton Road to U.S. 42 is one of the most heavily traveled...
Fairview Drive and Union Road Intersection Reconstruction and Water Main Extension
The expansion of the Timber Ridge subdivision required new public utilities, including water. The multi-discipline...
Fairborn Bikeway Connector
This project constructed a 0.75-mile multi-use path that connects the existing bike path at State...
Downtown Business District Transportation Study
The purpose of the study was to develop a preferred transportation plan that would balance...
Commercial Street Corridor Bike Route Neighborhood Connection
This project improves the Commercial Street Corridor and the Commercial and Garnsey Street intersection by...