Great Miami River Recreational Trail and Bikeway

The regional bikeway system in the Greater Dayton area is a popular outdoor destination. However, there had been missing sections of bikeway that prevented riders from taking longer trips through the area.

Working with FiveRivers MetroParks to identify the best location for the new trail, LJB designed approximately five and a half miles of bikeway along the Great Miami River between Triangle Park and Rip Rap Road in Dayton. This bikeway is one of four extensions designed by LJB. LJB conducted a Phase I environmental site assessment and wetland and ecological studies. LJB continues to monitor the wetland mitigation aspect of the project.

Environmental documents were also prepared to ensure NEPA compliance and that the design was within Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit limits. In addition, LJB completed field survey and prepared the right-of-way plans for the new trail, and designed cast-in-place concrete walls. This process included developing grading and drainage and acquiring the necessary right of way from adjacent property owners. The boundary resolution for that trail project included establishing the centerline of right-of-way of Keowee Street, adjacent section lines, and the Great Miami River boundary.

This was an LPA project and funding was administered through the Ohio Department of Transportation.

Five Rivers MetroParks
Dayton, OH

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