This project involves the complete replacement and widening of two pairs of bridges: Interstate 90...
ODOT Pedestrian Safety Improvement Program
As the Ohio Department of Transportation’s statewide safety design consultant in 2019, LJB developed Ohio’s...
Spring Park Drainage Improvements
Severe bank erosion along the stream at Spring Park in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was threatening...
State Route 235 over Cemex Haul Road Underpass Bridge
LJB Inc. designed this new bridge underpass to enable Fairborn Cement Company to extend its...
Wright State Way Pedestrian Bridge over Interstate 675
This project constructed a new 500-foot pedestrian bridge over Interstate 675 connecting the cities of...
S.R. 4 and South Gilmore Road-Holden Blvd. Sustainable Intersection Improvements (Greenroads Certified)
LJB worked with the City of Fairfield to improve both the flow of traffic and...
County Road 25A Phase III Reconstruction
This project widened 3,900 feet of County Road 25A with a center turn lane, new...
OHFA Environmental Review Records
LJB has been completing environmental assessments (called Environmental Review Records under HUD NEPA regulations) for...
Ohio Statewide Ecological Resources Surveys
LJB, as a subconsultant to EnviroScience, Inc. is providing state and/or federal threatened and endangered...
Regional MS4 Stormwater Outfall
The purpose of ODOT's MS4 inventory was to map ODOT'S storm water drainage system so...
State Route 444 Bridge Rehabilitation over Mad River
As part of a general engineering services task order contract, LJB designed the joint replacement...
State Route 741 and Innovation Drive Traffic Signal Design
LJB designed mast arm traffic signal supports that are of a style compatible with recent...